Last Updated on September 26, 2024 by Rob Cashman
The Cashman Law Firm is a patent, copyright litigation IP law firm. We help internet users, inventors, and small business professionals protect, defend, and preserve their assets, inventions, and business ideas.
We specialize in pre-trial defense tactics in federal courts, and help defend those accused of copyright infringement, patent infringement, and violations of the DMCA rules.
Most of our cases involve some form of copyright litigation, where a client was accused of downloading, streaming, or viewing copyrighted movies, videos, or music without a license.
Our copyright litigation cases usually remain in the pre-trial stages (involving the “John Doe” stage, pre-trial discovery proceedings, and out-of-court negotiations and resolutions of legal claims against our clients.
We also help inventors preserve their ideas by filing them in a patent, and once a patent is obtained, we assist in the licensing and litigation needs of the client.

If you received a notice or a subpoena letter from your ISP, and you want to speak to someone about your case, either:
1) CLICK-HERE to set up a free consultation, or
2) E-MAIL ME, or
3) Send a Text / WhatsApp message to: (713) 364-3476.
Copyright litigation cases comprise the majority of our clients. In these copyright litigation cases, you have been accused of downloading the copyrighted movies or materials belonging to a copyright holder. Copyright litigation cases are civil cases, meaning the copyright holder is looking for a cash settlement.
You are likely involved in the beginnings of a copyright litigation lawsuit if you have been sued as a “John Doe” in a copyright infringement lawsuit filed in a federal court. You may have also received a DMCA abuse / copyright infringement notice from your ISP. These notices usually come from either Rightscorp, RIGHTSENFORCEMENT, or CEG-TEK, and they ask for a settlement amount to be paid on the copyright holder’s website.
State-based “Bill of Discovery” cases are NOT copyright litigation cases. Copyright litigation cases can only be filed in a FEDERAL COURT, not a state or county court.
You have an invention and you want a patent attorney in Houston, TX to prepare and file the patent application for you. This is likely what you are looking for.
You have an idea for a product design, but it does not ‘do anything’ that would need utility patent protection. You want to protect others from copying your design. A design patent is what you are looking for.
You own a patent, but you want another company to manufacture the product for you (e.g., as part of their line), and you want to collect a royalty on every sale they make. A patent license is likely what you are looking for.
Someone or some company has copied your patented invention without your permission (or they have imported it from another country) and you want to sue them for the profits they have earned. You would likely want to stop them from selling their product anywhere in the US. You are looking for a patent litigation attorney.
You would like to protect software you have written, but you do not know whether a patent or a copyright would better protect you. A software copyright protects people from stealing your software; a software patent protects what your software does.
In recent years, software copyright holders have filed copyright litigation cases against defendants accused of pirating their copyrighted software, either through bittorrent, or through methods of cracking the software or using the software with a fake unlock key downloaded from the internet.
You are starting a business and you want to choose a name that someone has not already chosen. You also want to prevent anyone from copying your business name by selling products which use your logo, or which use your name on a website which is not yours. You are looking for the trademark services.
My name is Robert Z. Cashman. I am a patent attorney licensed to practice law in New York, Texas, and before the US Patent & Trademark Office (“USPTO”). I have been practicing law since 2007, and I run the Cashman Law Firm, PLLC. I also am the author of the TorrentLawyer blog where we defend “pirate” clients against larger “pirates” (a.k.a., “copyright trolls”) who misuse the copyright laws to run a nationwide extortion scheme.
You can read more about me here.
With regard to our intellectual property law practice, our law firm focuses on protecting our clients and their ideas by filing patents, copyrights, and trademarks with the USPTO and the US Copyright Office. We also spend a considerable amount of time protecting our clients’ rights in federal court.
The difference between our Cashman Law Firm and a traditional patent law firm is our eye towards litigation. Whether we are dealing with patents, copyrights, or trademarks, we understand that the value of a patent is the client’s ability to protect that patent when someone copies, infringes, or accidentally imports that product instead of placing yours.
Trademarks and copyrights (although attorneys think of them as ‘soft’ intellectual property) are sometimes just as important (if not more important) than a patent. Trademarks and copyrights are the blood and veins of a company. When another company comes along and sells a product or a service using your company name, you feel violated, as if that person stole a piece of your company’s essence. Our law firm not only helps you in the creation and protection of your company name, but we will offensively protect your name when others try to use it in their business or a product.
At Cashman Law Firm, PLLC, we’re passionate about making you a business intellectual property framework which will allow you to provide fabulous products and services to your customers. And, when things go wrong and someone copies your ideas, your name, or your inventions, we are here to stand in your stead and fight your battles both in and out of federal court so that you don’t have to. Leave the worrying to us, and you focus on growing your amazing business!
We are thankful for having the opportunity to have over 10+ years of service to our clients, and I encourage you to contact us with your questions, even if you just need someone to speak to about your invention, business idea, or trade name. Even if you do not become our client, please feel free to use us and we look forward to serving. you.
Click on the button below to schedule an appointment, and we look forward to speaking to you soon!
REG. NO. 60,246
Tel: 713-364-3476
CONTACT FORM: If you have a question or comment about what I have written, and you want to keep it *for my eyes only*, please feel free to use the form below. The information you post will be e-mailed to me, and I will be happy to respond.
NOTE: No attorney client relationship is established by sending this form, and while the attorney-client privilege (which keeps everything that you share confidential and private) attaches immediately when you contact me, I do not become your attorney until we sign a contract together. That being said, please do not state anything “incriminating” about your case when using this form, or more practically, in any e-mail.